Some info about Count Dracula's relationships

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Vladimir Dracula

The Count has a reasonable relationship with Vlad. Although the relationship had been strained in Series 3, the Count later punched Ramanga after he threatened Vlad. Later the Count hunted Ramanga down and "de-fanged" him as revenge.
In Series 5 their relationship is strained further by the revelation that Vlad is half breather. Vlad attacks his father, angry that he has been lied to his entire life, but their relationship remains largely intact once Vlad has come to terms with things.

Ingrid Dracula

Vampire tradition seems to place females as second-class citizens, forcing the Count to treat her as inferior to Vlad. The Count's bad relationship with his daughter Ingrid is also because she resembles her mother Magda. The Count later reveals that he does in fact love Ingrid, and he kept the drawings she made as a child.

Malik Dracula

The only child of Elizabetta Vaccaria and nearly 300 years old. He has a difficult relationship with the Count as the Count finds out that all these years he had another child. He is also hated by his half-siblings. He recently helped the Dracula Clan to fight off the shadow warriors with an asylum seeker vampire Asan, but it doesn't seem that he is compeltely loyal. It is later discovered that Elizabetta lied to everyone and Malik is not really a Dracula.

Magda Westenra

His first known lover was Magda Westenra who left him for a werewolf named Patrick. The Count never married Magda but together they had a girl named Ingrid; she also agreed to adopt Vlad and pretend he was her son. He is angry with her for running off and leaving him to bring up Vlad and Ingrid on his own. Despite this he remains attracted to her and sometimes falls for her charms.

Elizabetta Vaccaria

The Count was bloodbound to Elizabetta Vaccaria following the murder of Arta at her hand. An ancient vampire law forced the Count to marry her after his brother's death. The Count left Elisabeta and ran off with Magda and Elizabetta became pregnant with someone else's child.

Alexandra McCauley

Miss McCauley was the head-teacher at Garside Grange independant day school and the Count's love interest throughout Series 3 and 4.

Sally Giles

The Count met Vlad's mother Sally at a goth festival in Whitby. He admits that he was very fond of her and never turned her into a vampire. He described her as the most bewitching of women he'd ever seen.